Monday, June 8, 2009

6 Blogs I've Posted On

I've commented on:


Unit's blown to piecessss

Well after a while of doing units (media to whatever) I can see that I have some flaws, piece de resistances etc. Though they could've been better, I still see that they were "awesome" (to me at least).

First of all, I thought that my multiple exposure thing looked really bland. With my MW uniform on, people couldn't really chuckle randomly. Another thing is that I was doing something un-original. I mean ninja's?! I also noticed that some of my body was cut when trying to cut my body. (That doesn't make sense, does it?) I liked the whole idea though. I thought that was awesome. Not ninja's, but the multiple exposure idea. I seriously would want to try that again.

The next thing that I have is my circus picture. L-like a circus! Basically I had to make a picture in which I imagined that I was a circus act based on my personality. I liked the way it came out despite the fact that everyone elses looked 10x better. I should've probably added more photo's and graphic's to add some pizzaz (if that's how you spell it). I chose to become a Human Cannonball due to the fact that I love to randomly jump into situations. I was imagining and that made Media Arts a fun course to take.

I also accomplished making one of the most random-est patterns ever. If I were to show someone it, they would probably say "WHAT IS THAT?!" in which I'll reply "...a watermelon, mp3, and leave". Yeah, I know that I didn't vectorize it (SORRY), but the end copy I made looked pretty good. (I thought that vectorizing a leaf looked easy, but I was more than dead wrong). I liked it becausew it looked kinda like a cow... trying to chase another cow. How can you say that is not awesome?!

The second last project was really time-counsuming (for me at least). This was the only unit in which I procrastinated the longest on. Why?! Well because I didn't know how to do it. I didn't want to go to Media either due to the fatc that my teacher might ask me "Are you done U10-11" in which I'll hastily reply "No, I'll do it soon. Don't kill me! *gasp* :O. I thought that the finished project was cool though. It looked like Dustin Hoffman. In my eyes, I believed that it was epic and I couldn't really see much flaws.

My wEccentrick video on the other hand was a doooozzy to do. FIrst of all, (at the time) I couldn't find a video camera and I refused to use the schools as I didn't want to give up my card. Though I had to do it a lot (editing sucks y'know :() The editting helped make it funny and not... weird. I liked the text and how it came out. Even though it looked like a little kid did it... it still looked pretty good. I could've improved something... I just don't know what.

All in all, I thought that Media was my challenge during this year. I completed most of my courses, but media early and saw it as an evil final boss, but no... i thought of it as a theme of the year. Media showed me that the easiest looking subjects could cause epic procrastination. Media, media, media, mediaaaaaaa... I know this may seem random, but I played this game in which one of the moves was a healing move called Media. Yup, random right? Anyway's Media taught me that no course in MW can be easy... EVER!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Being that this is my final blog... I shall post an entry about Eccentric of epic proportions. Unfortunately for me, I didn't see the art show , but from what I've heard and seen... I can say it is awesome. When it was over, I checked out the pieces that were outside and I think they really go with the theme eccentrick. It actually makes me feel bad doing an umpteenth number of early exams... rather than seeing a great show. During that week, I heard many "Oh em gee, did you see that video in the art show!?" or something like that during my ventures collecting stuff in the halls. Art show... why must you look so awesome?

Another thing is that awesome red haired statue of David head that I see everywhere in the school. As I was walking to the water fountain, I got hit by those things hanging on the ceiling O_o. I find those shirts really really REALLY awesome. Walking on the sidewalk saying "Hi" with that shirt on is currently my dream. If I did go back in time, payed the $5 and looked at the art, I think I would've been in Hhhhheeeaaavveenn. COngrats on this years art show Ward. :D

Monday, March 23, 2009

This guy is awesome.

Well replying to the next blog. I truly feel that yeah, technology is being taken for granted way too much now. It's awesome, this guy has the guts to say what's wrong with society right now. In fact I can relate with this. Yesterday I was playing online on this game called Resistance 2 and my connection disconnected. After 2 seconds I start freaking out as I knew I was going to get first place because my teammates were doing horribly. Out of nowhere, a voice in my head starts saying "Well at least you have this kind of stuff!... It doesn't grow on trrrreeeesss, does it?!" This guy is like George Carlin minus the negativity.

Honestly, I would love to see what it was like during the 1900's when doing things were hard, but living becomes easier. Life was rough in those times I know, but I'd love to live a life with challenges rather than a life in which someone is always looking after you all the time. Why is a simple life like this so hard to follow?!

And I was like "LOL" and then he was like "OMG"

Alright, so I think that society is seriously warping time... I mean seriously this is how it goes. Before texting and stuff, people actually just used there phones for calling people when it is important, and then texting came (DUN DUN DUN). Honestly, I'm not saying that teting is bad, I'm just saying that people are overusing it. I'll use this analogy..... if you watched the Spiderman movie series, you can see that Peter Parker has a special power just like we have the special power of teting. Those movies are telling us "Y'all better use your powers for good!" and unfortunately people are taking advantage of it.

When I see someone randomly teting their girlfriends/boyfriends that stuff is boring, or saying that they almost tripped on air... I think that they are using this power wrongly. I don't get why you can't talk to someone that's just right across from you. It just annoys me. This is why people driving get annihalated by the police when they randomly text or call. "With great power comes great responsibilty." right?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama=The Rock but Obama > The Rock haha

January 20, 2009 at 12:08 PM was the exact time where Barack Obama officially got inagurated and became president. I mean seriously, this event had the potential to be as historical as (insert important event here) because it had millions upon millions of people watching. From high school children, teachers, and parents, this event held important serious-ness.

The inauguration was really an important event because it sprout the end of old chaos (no offense GW) What I mean is that it sprout a new change which George Bush did not sprout. As soon as he said the oath the end of (as Mr. Dalton says) >>>>racialism :) This change now eliminates the cruel view that Mr. King had to endure. In all honesty, I believe that Obama will see the nations problems thoroughly and do something (eg: give money, shelter).