Monday, June 8, 2009

Unit's blown to piecessss

Well after a while of doing units (media to whatever) I can see that I have some flaws, piece de resistances etc. Though they could've been better, I still see that they were "awesome" (to me at least).

First of all, I thought that my multiple exposure thing looked really bland. With my MW uniform on, people couldn't really chuckle randomly. Another thing is that I was doing something un-original. I mean ninja's?! I also noticed that some of my body was cut when trying to cut my body. (That doesn't make sense, does it?) I liked the whole idea though. I thought that was awesome. Not ninja's, but the multiple exposure idea. I seriously would want to try that again.

The next thing that I have is my circus picture. L-like a circus! Basically I had to make a picture in which I imagined that I was a circus act based on my personality. I liked the way it came out despite the fact that everyone elses looked 10x better. I should've probably added more photo's and graphic's to add some pizzaz (if that's how you spell it). I chose to become a Human Cannonball due to the fact that I love to randomly jump into situations. I was imagining and that made Media Arts a fun course to take.

I also accomplished making one of the most random-est patterns ever. If I were to show someone it, they would probably say "WHAT IS THAT?!" in which I'll reply "...a watermelon, mp3, and leave". Yeah, I know that I didn't vectorize it (SORRY), but the end copy I made looked pretty good. (I thought that vectorizing a leaf looked easy, but I was more than dead wrong). I liked it becausew it looked kinda like a cow... trying to chase another cow. How can you say that is not awesome?!

The second last project was really time-counsuming (for me at least). This was the only unit in which I procrastinated the longest on. Why?! Well because I didn't know how to do it. I didn't want to go to Media either due to the fatc that my teacher might ask me "Are you done U10-11" in which I'll hastily reply "No, I'll do it soon. Don't kill me! *gasp* :O. I thought that the finished project was cool though. It looked like Dustin Hoffman. In my eyes, I believed that it was epic and I couldn't really see much flaws.

My wEccentrick video on the other hand was a doooozzy to do. FIrst of all, (at the time) I couldn't find a video camera and I refused to use the schools as I didn't want to give up my card. Though I had to do it a lot (editing sucks y'know :() The editting helped make it funny and not... weird. I liked the text and how it came out. Even though it looked like a little kid did it... it still looked pretty good. I could've improved something... I just don't know what.

All in all, I thought that Media was my challenge during this year. I completed most of my courses, but media early and saw it as an evil final boss, but no... i thought of it as a theme of the year. Media showed me that the easiest looking subjects could cause epic procrastination. Media, media, media, mediaaaaaaa... I know this may seem random, but I played this game in which one of the moves was a healing move called Media. Yup, random right? Anyway's Media taught me that no course in MW can be easy... EVER!

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